Simon’s World Of Colourful Sounds.

Simon is a carefree boy with partial hearing. He wakes up one day and discovers that his world has become silent. He goes from wearing a hearing aid to getting a cochlear – a small electronic device – surgically implanted.

 Although the sounds are not perfect, he learns to cope and finds joy again.

Simon’s World Of Colourful Sounds is inspired by first-time author and teacher Adeline Lynn Quek’s former stint at Singapore’s Canossian School, a special education school for children with hearing loss.

Adeline is now a teacher at a primary school.

“I love how they carried their challenges with smiles and the way they uplifted one another, even their teachers.” She says of the students at Canossian School.

The fictional character of Simon embodies their positivity and gives readers a glimpse into the lives of those who are differently abled. Illustrator Lee Kowling brings the story to life with her vivid drawings.

Picture book, Simon’s World Of Colourful Sounds is written by Adeline Lynn Quek and illustrated by Lee Kowling. Photos by Louise Choy Haohua and Pacesetters.

Buy a copy of the hardcover book at publisher Pagesetters’ website and Books Kinokuniya.

An article from Singapore’s The Straits Times.