A safe and healthy workplace: Safe Work Month.

It is National Safe Work Month in October – a time to commit to building a safe and healthy workplace. Noise can damage your hearing if it’s too loud. Both sudden, loud noises, like an explosion; and constant, loud noises, like working near industrial machinery or blaring background music, can damage your hearing.

Our ears are very delicate organs, and we need to take care of them to protect our hearing. Here are some healthy habits you can adopt to reduce your risk of hearing loss, whether you’re already experiencing hearing loss or not.

Help us spread the message about caring for our hearing in a noisy world – at work and at play.

  1. Download this series of Facebook tiles above by clicking 5-free-social-media-posts-about-Noise-induced-Hearing-Loss.
  2. And to go with them, here are 5-free-fact-sheets-about-Noise-induced-Hearing-Loss – put them on your social media, website, or newsletter. You can even personalise them by adding extra words or your logo.