
Our Reponses to Gender-Based Violence

Our Reponses to Gender-Based Violence

ONLINE EVENT: Strengthening Alcohol and Other Drug, Womens’ and Disability Sector Reponses to Gender-Based Violence. This event will showcase and explore innovative and collaborative responses and new directions in responding to gender-based violence across our three...

Celebrating Indigenous Identity: Being Hmong

Celebrating Indigenous Identity: Being Hmong

A Reflection on Being Hmong & Stories of Resilience. By Jane Lee, Canberra. On this International Day of the World's Indigenous People, I find myself reflecting on the remarkable resilience of indigenous cultures around the globe. The theme of resilience resonates...

Study Reveals the Art of Ageing Well

Study Reveals the Art of Ageing Well

The benefits of participating in art is the subject of research by The University of Western Australia and Busselton Health Study. Findings link better physical health and mental wellbeing in older Australians with taking part in the arts. Lead researcher Dr Christina...

Your Children – Can They Hear You Now?

Your Children – Can They Hear You Now?

While it's not surprising to spot teens wearing headphones and earbuds, it's also becoming a widespread trend among younger children. Two in three parents say their child ages 5-12 uses personal audio devices, with half of parents of children ages 5-8 reporting...

Preventing hearing loss for a healthier Australia

Preventing hearing loss for a healthier Australia

Preventive health action is the key to achieving a healthier Australia by 2030. Australians in good health are better able to lead fulfilling and productive lives. Avoidable hearing loss and a reluctance to seek professional help when hearing is fading represent an...

Vaccine Reduces Hearing Loss in First Nations Children

Vaccine Reduces Hearing Loss in First Nations Children

Vaccines trialled on First Nations children in the Northern Territory to combat high rates of hearing loss are showing significant promise, according to the research team involved. Australian First Nations children experience the highest reported rates of otitis media...