
Our Federal Pre-Budget submission

Our Federal Pre-Budget submission

The Australian Government invited individuals, businesses and community groups to submit their ideas and priorities for the 2023-24 Budget. The Government places significant importance on receiving submissions in developing its budget strategy and policies. Deafness...

NDIS pre-planning toolkit for entering higher ed or VET

NDIS pre-planning toolkit for entering higher ed or VET

This NDIS Pre-planning Toolkit is for people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing entering Higher Education or Vocational Education and Training. You may require extra support to complete your chosen course to ensure participation is on the same basis as other students....

Addressing and raising awareness of Indigenous ear health

Addressing and raising awareness of Indigenous ear health

Kelvin Kong is dedicated to addressing and raising awareness of Indigenous ear health. The rates of ear disease and its associated complications, like hearing loss, are far more prevalent among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children than the general...

WHO makes ear and hearing care for all a reality?

WHO makes ear and hearing care for all a reality?

Under the theme "Ear and hearing care for all! Let's make it a reality", World Hearing Day highlighted the importance of integrating ear and hearing care within primary care as an essential component of universal health coverage. To support countries in this process,...

Deaf queer spaces do exist: Asphyxia

Deaf queer spaces do exist: Asphyxia

Melbourne-based author, artist and Deaf activist Asphyxia is making her debut as a songwriter at the Midsumma Festival 2023, with a brand new show Stranger Than Usual. “Using music and Auslan, I tell a personal story about the experience of being Deaf, queer,...

Helping families make choices for childrens’ hearing health

Helping families make choices for childrens’ hearing health

Hearing Australia has a resource for parents and families: 'Choices' is a free resource for families of children who are newly diagnosed with hearing loss from birth to twelve years of age. The book provides valuable information to help families confidently make the...