Help develop best practice guidelines for adults with hearing loss

Calling all adults interested in being part of a working group to develop best practice guidelines for adults with hearing loss.

A number of representatives from the ANZ hearing community have gathered in order to provide recommendations on how to develop and implement meaningful, patient-centred best practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of adults with hearing loss. The assembled group is working to understand the various points of view, perspectives and ideas when considering the development of guidelines.

This group maintains that individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, must be involved in co-designing and contributing to the process, ensuring their perspectives are heard, with the resulting recommendations designed for humans in the real world. We ask if there is anyone who lives with hearing loss currently and would like to join this important project, to reach out to us at the email address below. Participants must be able to commit to a total of two hours per month and will be offered joint research training sessions if required.

Benefits of practice guidelines

To increase equitable access to hearing healthcare and provide opportunities to obtain high-quality population-based outcomes. This effort will mark an unprecedented opportunity to bring thought leaders and representatives from the hearing health community in ANZ to explore how this might be achieved, reflecting an important milestone in supporting adults who are deaf or hard of hearing.


Globally, guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss for adults are not well defined. Guidelines are limited, vary, and are associated with disparate levels of access and systemic underuse across the world.

Delivery and adoption of meaningful patient-centred guidelines will require alignment from a wide variety of stakeholders, as well as endorsement from hearing organisations nationally.

Action is required to address the unmet needs for adults with severe to profound hearing loss.

For more information and to express your interest in the project please email