
October: National Safe Work Month

October is National Safe Work Month, a time to commit to building a safe and healthy workplace.

For everyone’s safety, work safely. Noise can damage your hearing if it’s too loud. Both sudden, loud noises, like an explosion; and constant, loud noises, like working near industrial machinery or blaring background music, can damage your hearing.

The person conducting a business must reduce their workers’ exposure to noise as much as possible. A safe and healthy workplace benefits everyone.


Download infographic 1: Hazardous noise in the workplace   Infographic 2: Noise hazards and sound levels

Fact sheet An employers’ guide to protecting hearing at work-employers   Fact sheet Protecting Your Hearing at Work

Here are 5 free fact sheets about Noise-induced Hearing Loss – put them on your social media, website, newsletter, personalise them by adding your logo.

For more resources, visit the SafeWork Australia website.

Construction Safety: Common Accidents and Toolbox Safety Tips

The threat of falling objects, malfunctioning equipment, slippery walkways, unstable scaffolding, and more exists every time construction workers step onto a job site. In fact, construction work is one of the most dangerous occupations in the country.

This U.S. website by Shulman and Hill lawyers has Toolbox Tips to Help.