
Selected category: News

Information for NDIS Participants

If you are a participant in the National Disability Insurance Scheme your NDIS Planner may refer you to the Australian Government Hearing Services Program to receive certain hearing services and devices until mid-2019. The program is administered by the Department of...

Libby Harricks Memorial Oration

The 20th annual Libby Harricks Memorial Oration will be presented in 2018 by Dr Graeme Innes AM.   Watch it 'live' on the internet or be part of the audience free.   Graeme Innes has been a human rights practitioner for more than thirty years. He was a...

Changes to Private Health Insurance

The Federal Government will introduce changes to make Private Health Insurance simpler and more affordable. The Government set up a Taskforce to work out the detail of these reforms. This Taskforce has finished its investigation. Among the recommendations is a...

Blocked ear could be a medical emergency

If you are healthy and "out of the blue" one ear suddenly feels blocked, regard it as a medical emergency. That's the message in the Medical Journal of Australia Insight. A blocked or full sensation can be a forerunner of hearing loss or tinnitus in that ear, unless...