
Selected category: News

Daily check of your child’s hearing device

Daily check of your child’s hearing device

If you’ve ever experienced headphones or speakers with a dodgy wire, you’ll know how irritating a sound equipment malfunction can be. Imagine the frustration when that problem affects everything you hear. Hearing aids are electronic devices and sometimes they will...

Start thinking about a big-picture accessible communications

Start thinking about a big-picture accessible communications

Working with the Australian Australian Communications Consumer Action Network we can develop a roadmap for an ideal Australian Accessible Communications future. This roadmap will explore what is required for communications services in Australia to be fully inclusive...

Disability Royal Commission – students

Disability Royal Commission – students

The Disability Royal Commission wants to hear about the experiences of students with disability. Students and families can make a submission. It can be short or it can be detailed. The Royal Commission wants to hear about: Experiences of violence, abuse, neglect or...

Disability Royal Commission – new legal service to help people

Disability Royal Commission – new legal service to help people

The Disability Royal Commission Legal Service is a free national legal service to give information and advice to people who want to tell their story to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. The DRC Legal Service...

National Relay Service a train wreck

National Relay Service a train wreck

National Relay Service (NRS) users are being blocked from making calls with internet relay because their ISPs are treated as 'foreign'. Others are waiting 15-30 minutes to be connected. The deterioration in the NRS service in recent weeks is truly shocking. There is a...

Hearing loss linked to absenteeism in Aboriginal school kids

Hearing loss linked to absenteeism in Aboriginal school kids

High levels of hearing loss have been linked to absenteeism in Aboriginal children in their first years of primary school in the Northern Territory, with the Public Health Association of Australia saying children are missing out because of “high but largely...