
Selected category: News

COVID-19 and First Peoples

COVID-19 and First Peoples

First Peoples Disability Network Australia explains how to protect yourself, Elders, family and community from Coronavirus and keep safe. The COVID-19 vaccine is free for everyone, but some people need to be protected first. Elders over 55, mob with disability and bad...

Families: informed choices for a child’s hearing future

Families: informed choices for a child’s hearing future

Helping families make the best choices for their child’s hearing future. Choices booklet is a free resource for families of children who are newly diagnosed with hearing loss from birth to twelve years of age. The booklet provides valuable information to help families...

Few Chinese people with hearing loss use hearing aids

Few Chinese people with hearing loss use hearing aids

Only 1 out of 16 Chinese people who could benefit from hearing aids actually use hearing aids, a Chinese study finds. In the study, 34% of the participants were in need of hearing aids. However, only 6.5% of those who could benefit from them actually used hearing...

Education guidelines: supporting students online

Education guidelines: supporting students online

The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic led to multiple challenges across all levels of education. Many of these challenges centred around the provision of accessible and inclusive online education for people with disability. The Australian Disability Clearinghouse on...

Vaccination Hesitation: join the online forum

Vaccination Hesitation: join the online forum

A broad range of specialist experts will feature as keynote speakers and panellists at the online forum on “Vaccination Hesitation” on Thursday 6 May. Over the last days the ever-changing landscape of COVID-19 infection control and prevention has shifted yet again to...