
Selected category: News

Relaxed captioning rules for Pay TV in Australia…

Relaxed captioning rules for Pay TV in Australia…

A Captioning Scheme for Subscription Television is the title of a Government discussion paper that lists changes that are planned for captioning on subscription (Pay) TV. Deafness Forum of Australia examined the list of proposed changes and gave the Government a...

Unvaccinated friends 20 X more likely to give you COVID…

Unvaccinated friends 20 X more likely to give you COVID…

As lockdowns ease in New South Wales, Victoria and the ACT, and people return to work and socialising, many of us will be mixing more with others, even though a section of the community is still unvaccinated. Many vaccinated people are concerned about the prospect of...

Register to attend our online AGM on 24 Nov 2021…

Register to attend our online AGM on 24 Nov 2021…

Dear members, this is to advise you of the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the members of the Deafness Forum of Australia Wednesday 24 November 2021 3.00pm AEDT webcast using Zoom. At this meeting, members will have the opportunity to: find out and ask questions...

Are hearing problems associated with multiple sclerosis?…

Are hearing problems associated with multiple sclerosis?…

Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects the central nervous system and can result in a wide range of symptoms throughout the body. In some cases, MS may cause hearing problems or other issues relating to the function of the ears. MS is a chronic condition affecting the...

Register to attend our online AGM on 24 Nov 2021…

Register to attend our online AGM on 24 Nov 2021…

Dear members, this is to advise you of the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the members of the Deafness Forum of Australia Wednesday 24 November 2021 3.00pm AEDT webcast using Zoom. At this meeting, members will have the opportunity to: find out and ask questions...

Auslan mental health services overrun by demand…

Auslan mental health services overrun by demand…

While she was living in university accommodation, Catherine Dunn was raped. She was referred to counselling by her accommodation service, but there was an important consideration they didn't take into account — Ms Dunn is Deaf. "There were no online booking options...