Hearing topics A-Z

Selected category: Hearing A-Z

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

Healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au This excellent website also including EarInfoNet.ecu.edu.au contains a wealth of resources material and published papers on ATSI ear health. PLUM and HATS speech resource Blow-Breathe_Cough program Deadly Ears Program Care For Kids Ears NACCHO Aboriginal Ear Health Ear Bus Foundation of WA EON Foundation

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Tinnitus in detail

Do you think you hear sound when none is present? Does it sound like there’s a constant buzzing, hissing, whistling, swooshing or clicking noise in your ears? If so, you might be experiencing tinnitus, or “ringing in the ears.” What is Tinnitus? Tinnitus is an audiological and neurological condition that affects nearly 15 percent of […]

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There are various terms used for describing people with different degrees and types of deafness. The vast majority of the estimated 3.5 million Australians living with hearing health issues do not dwell on terminology. The key point is that people can use whatever term they feel most comfortable with. The most common terms: deaf is […]

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NDIS transition and future of CSO Program

NDIS transition and future of CSO Program

The in-kind arrangements between the Hearing Services Program (HSP) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) are due to cease on 30 June 2020. The hearing health sector has been advised that there is an inter-departmental committee that is planning the transition arrangements and the future of the Community Service Obligation (CSO) Program but as […]

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Deaf people & culture

Deaf people are unique in having both perspectives of disability and linguistic minority. Sign language and Deaf culture strengthen multilingualism and are means of promoting, protecting and preserving diversity of languages and cultures. Sign language is a critical prerequisite to the full realisation of human rights for Deaf people. Early access to sign language and […]

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Children learning Auslan

Children learning Auslan: best practice, current issues, further work required This information reflects consensus findings from Deafness Forum Australia’s national consultations in 2019 with several Deaf Societies, deafblind groups, service providers, educators and researchers. One thing that did not come up but we add to this report is that Auslan should be introduced in pre-schools. […]

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