Hey Farmers, it’s Safe Listening Week!

Farmers, protect your hearing! Did you know that many common farm noises exceed 85 decibels? That’s the threshold for potential hearing damage?

Top noise culprits:

  • Tractors (90-120 dB)
  • Chainsaws (100+ dB)
  • Squealing pigs (100+ dB)
  • Pumps (100+ dB)

Even seemingly quieter activities can cause damage over time:

  • Enclosed spaces amplify noise
  • Consider cumulative exposure throughout your day
  • Use hearing protection for ALL noisy tasks

Wear proper hearing protection and take regular breaks from noisy environments.

Hearing loss can sneak up on you 10-15 years earlier than people who don’t work on the land. Watch for these warning signs:

  • Difficulty hearing in noisy environments
  • Turning up TV/radio volume
  • Constantly asking others to repeat themselves
  • Ringing in ears (tinnitus)

Don’t wait! Prevention is crucial.

Visit the Safe Listening Student Resource Hub.

Explore our FACT Sheets to safeguard your hearing and ensure a brighter, healthier future. Your ears deserve it!

Hearing loss from loud noises is on the rise, and young people are at particularly at risk. Communities in farming and agricultural regions are especially vulnerable, making it crucial to act now to avoid lifelong problems that can impact well-being and future opportunities.