Listen up for hearing loss

Hearing loss can affect anyone at any age, anywhere, and the impact if undiagnosed and untreated can be devastating.

It’s a reality Katrina Skirka, senior audiologist at I hear New Lambton (Newcastle NSW) knows all too well. Katrina recently returned from a trip to Vietnam as part of an international health initiative called the Starkey Foundation, where she did over 500 sets of ear impressions in five days.

“It made me more able to appreciate the services we have in Australia and try not to take our healthcare system for granted,” Ms Skirka said.

Untreated hearing loss can lead to overall cognitive decline including clouded memory and recall and has been linked to dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Productivity at work can be effected impeding career progression and consequent earning power.

It can also affect relationships with others, often causing frustration and strain resulting in the person with hearing loss withdrawing from socialising, which is then a major risk factor for social isolation, depression and other mental health issues.

“It can be frustrating for family and friends when they have to ‘be the ears’ of a loved one with untreated hearing loss, or repeat themselves frequently,” said Ms Skirka, who has over 25 years experience in the hearing healthcare industry.

“In families or friendships who are separated geographically, maintaining communications can be even harder if the individual with hearing loss is shying away from the phone, Skype or other ways of communicating.”

Research on people with hearing loss and their significant others has shown that hearing aids play a significant factor in a person’s social, emotional, psychological and physical well-being.

“We treat all sorts of people – pensioners, veterans, private clients, Workcover clients, children over three years of age,” Ms Skirka said. ihear is a national company with sites in NSW Queensland, South Australia and WA.

Newcastle Herald,