Educational resource kit for the Voice referendum.

The Australian Human Rights Commission created an educational resource kit for the Voice referendum in 2023.

The educational resources seek to minimise harm, promote cultural humility, and focus the conversation on human rights principles as they relate to the proposed Voice to Parliament.

The resources include information on the history of First Nations advocacy, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, self-determination, harm minimisation, substantive reform, and more. There are nine sections within the resource kit, which is available to download in full on the ‘understanding the referendum from a human rights perspective’ page of the Commission’s website.

Contributing to Closing The Gap is one of Deafness Forum Australia’s four goals. We will actively support programs that are true and effective partnerships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and hearing health professionals who have both the skills and the cultural knowledge necessary to make useful and lasting impacts.

In relation to the future referendum on the Voice, Deafness Forum will highlight the fact that middle ear infection creates a greater risk of a range of adult social problems including unemployment and involvement with the criminal justice system. Deafness Forum will promote and monitor the accessibility of genuine information about the Voice. We asked the Human Rights Commission to create versions of the resources in Auslan and plain language.