Sector reactions to Hospital cochlear implants problems in SA and QLD.

There have been problems with Children’s cochlear implants in hospitals in two states.

You can read our earlier reports by clicking on these links–

There are two state government investigations currently underway, but we feel that independent investigations may be necessary to earn community trust.

Download and read Townsville Hospital and Health Service audiology service review – Information for families.

We will keep our community posted as we work through if & how we can constructively contribute to the investigation and systems improvements. The immediate priority is supporting the families and children, and if you go to the web links at the beginning of this article you can read what we have recommended on their behalf.

Deafness Forum Australia is talking with our members UsherKids Australia, Aussie Deaf Kids, Parents of Deaf Children.

We also reached out for opinions and advice to Audiology Australia, the Australian College of Audiology, Independent Audiologists Australian, First Voice Australia, Australasian Newborn Hearing Screening Committee, Deafblind Australia and Deaf Australia. See who responded –

Australian College of Audiology

“We feel for the children and their families who have experienced problems with these services.

“Australia has excellent hearing services. People can be confident that they can continue to access hearing care and raise hearing issues with their health care provider.

“Modern hearing technology is very safe and can be highly effective when properly fitted and programmed. People who currently have devices should continue to use them as advised by their hearing clinician. 

“If you have concerns about your hearing or hearing device, or the hearing or hearing device of your child or someone you care for, please discuss this with your clinician or your GP or specialist.”