Disability Royal Commission: submissions from Deaf community

The Disability Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in October to examine the experiences of culturally and linguistically diverse people with disability.

This will include the unique experiences of Deaf people who identify as culturally and linguistically diverse, as members of the Deaf community. The public hearing will be an opportunity for the Royal Commission to receive evidence about the importance of Auslan and Deaf culture.

Deaf people are encouraged to get involved in this hearing by sending a submission about their experience of violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation. Submissions from the Deaf community will help prepare for the hearing.

The Royal Commission office has made a video in Auslan featuring staff member Alex Jones. In the video Alex, encourages people to make a submission and describes the different ways this can be done. The video is captioned and includes details for more information. Watch the video here.

Deafness Forum Australia receives funding to promote the work of the Royal Commission.