Gamers could be at risk of hearing damage

A Global Standard for Safe Listening in Video Gameplay and Esports is expected to be completed by the end of 2024. It aims to address the growing concern of hearing health in the gaming community.

The development of a Global Standard is a collaborative effort between the World Health Organization and the International Telecommunication Union. The new standard has been informed by a comprehensive survey conducted across three major gaming hubs: the United States, Japan, and Brazil. The poll gathered insights from over 1,500 participants. Key findings from the survey reveal some alarming trends.

  • More than 75% of gamers in these countries engage in activities that could harm their hearing.
  • On average, gamers spend 15 hours per week playing, with 43% using headphones for extended periods and nearly 30% at high volumes.
  • One-third of gamers report experiencing hearing difficulties.

Despite these concerning statistics, many gamers still believe their hearing is excellent and don’t perceive video gameplay as a risk. However, a 2023 World Health Organization study warns that millions of gamers worldwide could be at risk of hearing damage, emphasising the urgent need for action.

On a positive note, the survey revealed that most respondents are open to implementing safe listening features within gaming devices and software to protect their hearing.

The gaming industry and health organisations are joining forces to ensure that gaming enjoyment doesn’t come at the cost of hearing health. Gamers are encouraged to be mindful of their listening habits and take proactive steps to protect their hearing.

You can read more about the ASHA-WHO poll here.

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Hearing loss from loud noises is on the rise, and young people are particularly at risk. Communities in farming and agricultural regions are especially vulnerable, making it crucial to act now to avoid lifelong problems that can impact well-being and future opportunities.