$1.2 million Government funding for sensory health in aged care

Improving quality of life for people living in residential aged care with dementia by increasing hearing and vision support is the focus of a $1.2 million University of Queensland-led SENSEcog Care Australia study.

The project was awarded funding through the National Health and Medical Research Council Medical Research Future Fund.

University of QLD researchers will work alongside clinicians, aged care staff and residents with dementia to co-develop solutions to improve hearing and vision care.

Professor Piers Dawes from UQ’s School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences said up to 70 per cent of people living in aged care settings have dementia or cognitive impairment.

“Poor sensory function worsens quality of life and exacerbates the impact of dementia by making communication more difficult,” Professor Dawes said.

“It can also lead to reduced social engagement, increased dependency, disorientation and increased costs of care.

“Through this study we are aiming to develop effective and feasible solutions to ensure people living in aged care receive the help they need so they have the best quality of life.”

Over 90 per cent of people in residential aged care communities have hearing and or vision problems that are frequently undetected or under corrected. Environmental factors such as poor lighting or noise also contribute to poor sensory functioning.

For residents living with dementia the impacts of poor sensory function are amplified. Poor sensory function can worsen quality of life and exacerbate the impact of dementia by making communication more difficult, increasing dependency, confusion and other symptoms of dementia.

This leads to prescription of excess medication and increases the cost of care. Hearing and vision care for people in residential aged care communities is a critical unmet need.

Professor Dawes said in many cases aged care staff do not have training or confidence in how to support the hearing or vision needs or residents, and it can be difficult to access hearing and vision services for people in residential aged care.

“In this project we will work with aged care staff, clinicians, family, carers and residents to co-design a ‘sensory support intervention’.”

The intervention will involve training aged care staff to detect sensory problems and communicate better, ensuring older adults have access to good hearing and vision care (hearing aids, glasses), and improving the sensory environment (e.g. lighting, noise reduction).

The intervention will then be rolled out in aged care settings and evaluated.